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What we do...

Love individuals despite behaviors

We provide basic needs over an extended period to allow stability long enough for people to see Christ’s love through our actions.  Our program calls each individual to be learning through Bible study and prayer.  We provide large print Life Application Study Bibles.  On Thursday’s the entire group meets at Love Thy Neighbor’s office for study.  We study the Bible, provide a lunch, listen to Andy Stanley message’s, and periodically use the Celebrate Recovery Program.

Telephone resource service for homeless and poor

We are an information and referral service for those individuals that we cannot directly serve.  We handle approximately 20-30 calls per day.  We make every attempt to send them to the available facilities or connect them with the proper resource.  We also make periodic decisions to help specific individuals.

Alcohol and drug recovery

We pay for individuals to get to Miami or Chicago for recovery.  We partner with recovery programs in each city.  Individuals who have been homeless with drug or alcohol problems for extended periods (20-30 years) often need to leave Atlanta (and all the people & places they know) in order to recover.  The programs are free once they get to Miami or Chicago. We also connect individuals to the existing base of recovery centers in Atlanta.  We track with the individuals as they go through the recovery process and as they come back out providing assistance where necessary.

Provide clothes for those in need

We have a clothes closet.  We accept clothes to give to any individual in need of clothing no matter the individual’s circumstances.

Pay for prescription cost at Grady Hospital

For individuals with Grady cards the medicine costs $3.00 per prescription.  We pay the cost for homeless and poor individuals to allow them access to their prescription medicine.

Shoe purchasing policy

We will purchase a pair of shoes at Payless Shoes in downtown Atlanta for any individual without shoes or shoes in extremely poor condition.

Purchase a meal for individuals without food

We go and get a meal or provide the money to purchase a single meal for individuals who do not have food stamps or have run out.  We have started a food pantry (4/11).

Rent, utility and deposit assistance

We provide rent, utility and apartment deposit assistance on a case by case basis.

Bathroom facilities

We have bathroom facilities for men and women (we do not have shower facilities).  A limited number of locations exist in downtown Atlanta for the homeless.

Primary care

When funds are available we provide primary care for approximately 15-20 individuals. Care consists of directing their Christian journey, MARTA weekly passes and housing.  Food is provided at the various locations for housing.  Housing is through direct payment to the shelters (Atlanta Mission Fuqua Hall, Salvation Army & Atlanta Recovery Center). We also periodically pay for an extended stay room on a case by case basis.

MARTA weekly bus passes

We provide MARTA weekly bus passes to allow users to reach counseling, various meetings, medical appointments, employment or volunteer opportunities.

​Online messages and scripture

We have two computers to allow individuals to listen to the Bible if they cannot read or watch the Northpoint Church (Andy Stanley) messages.  We also provide lessons; help with job searches, e-mail access and the range of information available on the computer.


Helpful Information

We have the information on most all of the facilities in metropolitan Atlanta that provide an array of assistance to the homeless and those in need.


​© Copyright Love Thy Neighbor In Service Inc. all rights preserved.

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